

"A blog for documenting the work of our group in the course #SOyER16 at the UM."


marzo 2016

Translator task 4

Textbook:  A set of written, printed, or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers. Textbooks are a business and the only thing editors want is to obtain money, that’s why  they want to continue creating the same thing, textbooks, but in digital format with some videos. However, their product continues being the same, so when the government wants to deliver educational contents free they denounced them for piracy, because the only thing they deliver is content and they don’t know how to avoid it will become free, but they are late, content became free with Internet, and they can’t denounced it. In addition, some teachers force their students to buy their proper books and the disadvantage is that they do it because of their own benefits.

ICT (information and communications technology – or technologies) :

is an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning. ICTs are often spoken of in a particular context, such as ICTs in education, health care, or libraries. The term is somewhat more common outside of the United States.

Teacher :

A teacher is someone who had studied teaching and is responsible for the formal and institutionalized children in kindergarten, primary or special education schools or colleges. Some teachers may be aimed at secondary schools in social security programs, compensatory education or support for pupils with special educational needs, as well as centers of Adult Education.

A teacher will usually take care of basic education of pupils in compulsory basic education to 3-16 years. If these students have some type of special educational need that age can be interleaved. The qualifications that a teacher must hold for the exercise of their profession is the college graduate (depending on the country, between three and five years of higher education).


 An ideology is a set of ideas that constitute one’s goals, expectations, and actions. An ideology can be thought of as a comprehensive vision, as a way of looking at things, as in several philosophical tendencies, or a set of ideas proposed by the dominant class of a society to all members of this society. The main purpose behind an ideology is to offer either change in society, or adherence to a set of ideals where conformity already exists, through a normative thought process. Ideologies are systems of abstract thought applied to public matters and thus make this concept central to politics. A textbook is a selection of one person, her/his vision of what is the legitimate knowledge and her/ his vision of the culture.


person having managerial and sometimes policy-making   responsibility related to the writing, compilation, and revision of content for a publishing firm or for a newspaper, magazine, or other publication.

Task 5. Star

Hello people!!! I’m María and this week I have been the star of my group. Monday morning my group told me that I had to be the star of the group because we had to change some roles and I have to say that at first I was so scared and angry too but finally I accepted this. I have to talk about disadvantages of using text books in school. I was all tuesday studying our arguments to can present this in class. The topic of this week, in my opinion was so easy because it was very simple and we found a lot of things to can say in class. We want show in class the disadvantages of text books because this limite us, are so expensive, distort the reality and also includ in them content which is false in some cases.

As you can see we did very well our task and we searched information from many sites and I think that I as star was prepared to explain this task to our class but I don’t know why the morning when I have to expound I felt so nervous and aproximatly ten minutes before the exposition I felt dizzy and finally I fainted. I think that maybe this happened because I was so nervous and also my blood pressure descend so much. This was an unfortunately matter because of this I couldn’t explain me to my class and also my classmate Alicia had to replace me and be the star of our group. I have to thank the people who were worried about me and also the people who took care of me and above all I want to thank Alicia to replace me. The next time that I will be the star in my group I promise that I won’t be nervous.


The dark side of Textbooks

Textbook is defined as “a manual of instructions in any branch of study”.

The use of textbooks is a polemical topic, and there are many opinions about that. Some teachers think that textbooks are useful and help them to follow and structure their class. Nevertheless, some other teachers think that they affect professional autonomy.

After collecting information, we realized that are more disadvantages than advantages.

To develop this work we decided to make a discussion on Twitter to see the different opinions and to give our opinion,  you could see all  in our Twitter @Tuttifrutieduca.


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Analist Task 4: the dark side of textbooks

Reflection Task 4

This week we have a quite excited task: the dark side of the book.


In my opinion, this kind of activities are so important in order to our life, because we have to be critical to take decisions and for them we have to know both sides of the same coin. Last year, in Spanish subject, I learnt that for having an opinion we must own enough knowledge, knowledge about why some people are in favour and other are against, for justifying it, if not it will be meaningless. That’s what our teacher said, through these years many teachers are going to tell us that books are the best tool ever, but, how the most of the things, it can have positive or negative characteristics depending on th way we see it. We will have to choose how to develop our lessons, that’s why the importance of this task is so high, we must know different point of view to can justifying our decisions.

We also had to choose between three different ways of showing our works: a cómic, an infographic and a timeline of Twitter. It is a good way of explaining our opinions but we usually spend a lot of time to agree and we haven’t many. I think this is the worse part of each task: the amount of time we lose to take some decisions.

The best moment of the group work of this week was when we had to solve some problems before the performance of the Wednesday, because in the worse moment we usually see the best of each person. We had to work actually as a group for it and we have to try to relax between us in order to think the best way of solving the unexpected event. This experience was more rewarding than others because we have learnt that all can change in a moment and that’s why we mustn’t have fixed ideas and we have to learn to adapt us to surprises.

Suming up this week, all isn’t always as we think it will be, this is the life, therefore we must be ready to deal with problems and to try to solve them.

A Textbook Example of What’s Wrong with Education-post review

I was looking for some blogs that talk about the dark side of textbooks, and I found one that is too interesting, it can help us to understand better why textbooks are not a help for teachers and also for students. This is the link of the blog http://www.edutopia.org/textbook-publishing-controversy#comment-240226 

Tamin Ansary, the autor of this article that was written in 2004, wanted to reflected that «textbooks are as crucial to the teacher as a blueprint is to a carpenter».  Also she made some critiques about the bad use of textbooks that teachers do. Then she provided some interesting tools that teachers may be aware of. She said that in Texas, students spend more money on its public school, and they dedicate a big amount of money to textbooks.

In conclusion, she try to inspire teachers to do not use the textbook as the better tool. A teacher may use it but he has to provide his knowledge and pay less attention to it. Editorials use to take advantage of this and they raise the price until the way that some people can not afford to buy textbooks every year.

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The Sweet Chilly Peppers Blog!

This week I have commented in the blog of this girls because I think that they have worked too hard and they have improved a lot. Here is my comment.Captura de pantalla 2016-03-18 a las 19.07.28

A week on the dark side of textbooks


Hey! My name is Marta and this week I am the journalist of Tuttifruties group.

On Monday, our teacher explained us the work that we were going to do. This week we have to work about “The dark sides of textbooks,» at the beginning we were scared because this topic is quite important and a bit difficult. We have to assigned the roles again because of a problem that we had last week.The facilitator of the group, Teresa, told us what we are going to do and how. We started looking for some information and then we put in common what we have already read about.

On Tuesday, we search for another interesting information apart from the teacher provided us and when we had all the information we have to decide how we were going to show that information. We had to choose between an infographic, a comic and a time line on twitter. We decided to work on twitter because we thought that it is easier and faster than the others. We started tweeting about the topic with the hashtag #librodetesto and looking for some people who tweet with this hashtag and we found very interesting tweets. We tried to get in touch with a profile that uses to talk about scholar issues, but that person told us that we had to chat with them in the afternoon. We did it, we asked them if they think if the textbook is a help or a limitation. One person of this account answered us with his own account that the textbook may be a support material, children need an encouragement, also with other resources, specially with audiovisuals and ICT.

On Wednesday, we had all prepared but unfortunately our star was sick and she could not carry out her presentation. As she was not able to do it, Alicia was the alternative, she had to prepared the work in a few minutes! There were some problems with the presentation because we did not know that we have to do a time line about what we have written on twitter. The way of the presentation was different but similar as what we have already done with Tpack task. Our new star Alicia, has to present the work to some classmates and she was analyzed by them and they have to create a question about textbooks and it could appear on the final exam. Finally, all the stars communicate to the rest of the class their question.

The rest of the week was time to do our individual work depending on the role that we had.



How have we organize the work this week in task 4?


On Monday, once the teacher explained  to us  what we had to do this week, we started dividing the roles.

Once I knew that my role was facilitator, I decided to divide all the documents that we have to read for information about textbooks between all the members of the group. In this way, each of us had to read one document and to extract the main ideas.

After that,  we had to explain to the rest of the group the ideas and the concepts. I chose  this method because I think that as we have to prepare a work from Monday to Wednesday, it´s a quickly way to help us to understand the topic.

Then, in the afternoon, I decided to make a Skype with my classmates to choose what resource we were going to use between a comic, an info-graphic, or a Twitter timeline. So I decided to make a discussion between us to see the different opinions of what would be the better one, and our final  decision was to make a Twitter timeline.

Next day, on Tuesday, I said to my classmates that  we had to be actives on Twitter, so we were making debates with other users giving arguments and our opinion of why the textbooks have a dark side.

When Wednesday arrives we had a problem because our star didn´t feel well, so we had to improvise another star, and Alicia was her substitute. We were very nervous, but we tried to solve the situation as better as we could. For that reason is important that all the members of the group are prepared and informed about the topic.

After that, we continued giving our opinion in Twitter, and then each member of the group had to do their part of the blog.

That has been the organization that I chose for this week, but we will use other kinds of methods to search the effective one.

I think that is important to motivate your classmates during a work because that can help you to make a better work, so   I tried to support and to help them.

Finally, about my experience as facilitator I think that is a hard role because you have to take important decisions and to organise all the members of the group, apart from establishing the steps to follow, so it´s an important responsibility.



The dark side of textbooks

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